Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Danielle & The Sherry Area

Danielle, post what we discussed in class. Put it in a formatted, outline form.

Everyone else post your comments.

1 comment:


    Amanda walks into Walter's room to realize Sherry had returned to the apartment to live as a 3rd roommate.

    Walter returns to find out the story of Sherry and Amanda tells Walter it's only temp. even though Sherry doesn't make it seem it's temp.

    T-Bone attempts to get Sherry to return, but also argues that she disrespected him by going vegan.

    Sherry gives her half of the rent to Amanda and Walter see's it, making them both realize that this could be a good deal and save them money.

    Sherry begins to annoy Amanda and Walter.

    Amanda and Walter team up to get Sherry to move out of the flat and move back in with T-bone.

    They succeed, even though they miss the money, they both go back to living without Sherry and try to figure out rent on their own. Also now annoying one another yet again.

    Sherry marries T-bone.
